Prepare for Birth...

Atlanta Lamaze Birth Classes

Prepare for Birth...

Atlanta Lamaze Birth Classes

Feel informed and empowered for your birth with a private Lamaze birth class.

Our private Lamaze birth classes are specifically tailored to the needs of families giving birth in the Atlanta area. This private Lamaze birthing class is curated specifically for your needs and interests as first-time parents or those planning a VBAC in Atlanta.



LOCATION: Your metro Atlanta home, or in our midtown Atlanta office.

What's included in a Lamaze Birth Class?

Know tips & tricks for your labor.

Gain confidence in your coping techniques for labor, including using your five senses wisely in labor
Learn comfort measures such as counter pressure, hip squeezes, and rebozos, as well as acupressure for birth.
Tips for partners to be the best support possible.

Align your body & baby for birth.

Understand the fundamentals of fetal positioning, making sure your body and baby are aligned and ready for birth.
Know the best positions and movements for labor and birth.
Understand what your medical options are in labor and how to navigate common interventions.

Prepare for your postpartum.

Feel empowered and confident as you prepare to welcome your baby home.
Know important steps to support a healthy start to breastfeeding.
What to expect and prepare for your recovery postpartum.
Know. Align. Prepare.

Questions about our Atlanta Birthing Classes?

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