A stack of colorful cloth diapers in pink, yellow, red, orange, and green is neatly arranged in front of a pile of white disposable diapers.

Cloth Diapers 101

The Atlanta Doulas

Expert guidance from your Atlanta Doulas on choosing Cloth Diapers.

Mention cloth diapers to any experienced mama, and their reaction will probably involve the phrase “but what about all the poop?”

It’s an understandable reaction.  I think that people, in general, try to limit the amount of body fluids that we come into contact with.  Having said this I can assure you, as a cloth diapering mama, that I have never once walked away from a diaper change covered in baby poop.

Now that we have the poo situation out of the way…

Let’s talk about the cost benefits of choosing cloth diapers.

Think about this…

On average, a baby gets changed 6,100 times before they’re potty trained, and approximately 4,000,000 babies are born every year.  That’s 27.4 billion disposable diapers every year, which equates to 11.9 million tons.

Those are some powerful numbers.

Now what if I told you that instead of spending up to $3,000 on 6,100 disposable diapers, you could spend $450-$700 on 24 reusable cloth diapers.  Those same 24 cloth diapers are also free from sodium polyarylate, tributyltin, and dioxin, which are some pretty nasty chemicals found in most mainstream cloth diapers.

Have I convinced you to choose cloth diapers yet?

I would suggest checking out a local or online cloth diaper retailer.  Many of them have information regarding the different styles and brands available!

Do you cloth diaper? Are you planning to? Let me know! And remember, I offer free cloth diaper consultations to all of my birth doula, overnight postpartum doula and childbirth education clients!

The Atlanta Doulas

We're Melissa Colatosti and Stefanie Kelly. Together we are The Atlanta Doulas. We are metro Atlanta's seasoned birth and postpartum doula team, committed to providing the personalized care you deserve.